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4 Ways To Reduce Anxiety And Fear During The COVID-19 Outbreak

 I know we all are worried about the current situation happening around the world i.e the spread of epidemic disease COVID-19 or Corona Virus. Fears about COVID-19 can take an emotional turn if you are living with anxiety disorder.  But not to worry , These tips can help you to get through this difficult and stressful time.

1. Stay informed- but don't obsessively check the news.-

  Yes , it is very important to stay informed but obsessively checking the news feeds only the fear . So it very important to limit how often we check for updates. It is important to stick to trustworthy sources like World Health Organization (WHO) and our local public health authorities.

        We should be also careful what we share.We can do our best to verify information before passing it on.We all need to do our part to avoid spreading rumors and fake news among social Media Platforms like Facebook , WhatsApp...etc.

2. Focusing on the things that we can control:-

 I know there are so many things we can't control by our self like how long the Pandemic will last, how others behave,or how things will end. Instead of being in fear of those things that are out of our  control , We can focus on the things that we can control such as :-

   * washing our hands  frequently(for at least 20 seconds) with soap and water or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
   *staying home as much as possible.
   * avoid touching our face especially our eyes, nose and mouth.
   *Avoid crowds and gatherings of 10 or more people.
   *Follow all recommendations from the health authorities.
   * keeping 6 Feet distance between our self and others when out.
   * Putting on Face Mask and hand gloves when going out from the house.

3.Take Care of our body and spirit:-

 Yes, taking care of our body and spirit is must . it includes every bit like eating healthy meals,getting plenty of sleep, and meditating .  Here is a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi -

                "  It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. "

  It is important to take time out for activities that we enjoy such as reading a book, playing video games,gardening or cooking. Try different ways of exercise , or yoga to stay active physically and making your immunity system more stronger. Maintain a routine as best you can because it helps us to maintain a sense of normalcy.Be kind to yourself and to others.

4. Use the time to connect to loved ones even when Physically isolated :-

   Social isolation can fuel depression and over the longer period of time can lead to shorter life span.
So just because we may be physically distant  from other people ,we can and should ,stay socially connected to them.

Technology has made this very easy to stay in touch with our
loved ones. Tools like Skype, Facebook, Face Time may help us still feel and maintain our connections healthy without potentially putting ourselves at risk of being to exposed to
the Corona Virus.

I hope you may find my suggestions and advise useful . Thank you !! 
4 Ways To Reduce Anxiety And Fear During The COVID-19 Outbreak 4 Ways To Reduce Anxiety And Fear During The COVID-19 Outbreak Reviewed by Srishti Chauhan on May 09, 2020 Rating: 5


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